What's New in Ichicraft Boards

Your Personal Digital Workplace

  1. Guiding Shared Board Owners for Multi-Resolution Setups in Ichicraft Boards

    New Feature
    Shared Boards

    We’re pleased to announce a significant update to Ichicraft Boards: the introduction of a multi-resolution setup guide for shared board owners. This new feature is designed to help you create and modify boards that look great on any device, ensuring a consistent user experience.


    How It Works

    When setting up a shared board, you can now access a menu that lets you switch between different resolutions, such as widescreen, laptop, tablet, and mobile. This allows you to preview and make necessary adjustments, ensuring your board is perfectly tailored for each screen size.




    This update makes it easier for shared board owners to design boards that meet the needs of all users, regardless of the device they’re using. With this feature, you can maintain the visual integrity and functionality of your boards, enhancing the overall digital workplace experience.


    Key Features:

    • Switch between resolutions (widescreen, laptop, tablet, mobile)
    • Preview and adjust layouts
    • Ensure consistency across devices


    Explore this new feature in Ichicraft Boards and see how it can transform your shared board setup process.



  2. Introducing the New Count-Up Feature in the Countdown Widget 🚀

    Countdown Widget
    New Feature

    We’re pleased to unveil an enhancement to our Countdown Widget: the Count-Up feature! This new functionality allows you to count the days, hours, and minutes since a specific event, providing a powerful tool for tracking ongoing achievements and milestones.


    How the Count-Up Feature Works

    The Count-Up feature is perfect for various scenarios, such as motivating teams with safety records or celebrating continuous operational success. For instance, tracking the number of days without any incidents in a factory can boost morale and emphasize the importance of safety.



    Example of a personal board showing the Countdown Widget now capable of counting up.


    Easy to Set Up

    Setting up the Count-Up feature is straightforward. Navigate to the Countdown Widget settings, and select the "Count-up" option from the Display type dropdown menu. Input the start date of the event you want to track. You can also customize the title, subtitle, and colors to match your organization's branding.



    Example of the Countdown Widget configuration, showcasing how to set up the Count-Up feature.


    Practical Applications

    • Safety Records: Track the number of days without incidents in a factory.
    • Project Timelines: Monitor the duration of ongoing projects.
    • Operational Metrics: Measure continuous operational achievements.



    The new Count-Up feature in the Countdown Widget is a powerful addition to Ichicraft Boards, enabling you to track and highlight significant milestones effectively. Whether you’re focusing on safety, project timelines, or operational success, this feature keeps your organization engaged and informed. Try out the Count-Up feature today and take your digital workplace to the next level!


    Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance Ichicraft Boards with features that meet your needs.


    P.S. – Who said a countdown can't go up? It's like watching your safety record soar to new heights every day! 🎉





  3. Admin Configurable Filters for People Search

    People Search Widget

    Our latest update introduces Admin Configurable Filters for the People Search widget, giving you greater control over who appears in your search results.


    How It Works


    With Admin Configurable Filters, administrators now have the ability to exclude specific individuals from search results based on predefined criteria.




    Here are a few example filters that can be applied:


    • displayName: This is the user’s displayed name. For instance, if you apply the “Doesn’t contain” operator with the value “John”, all users whose display name includes “John” will be excluded from the results.
    • userPrincipalName: This is the unique identifier for the user. If you apply the “Doesn’t begin with” operator with the value “admin”, all users whose principal name starts with “admin” will be excluded from the results.

    In addition to displayName and userPrincipalName, it’s also possible to filter accounts based on Department, companyName, and jobTitle.


    Note: By default, all disabled and guest accounts are filtered out from your search results. This means you’ll only see active, regular users in your search results, making it easier for you to find the people you’re looking for.


    How to Get Started


    Getting started with Admin Configurable Filters is easy:


    1. Navigate to the People Search widget within Ichicraft Boards.
    2. Access the widget admin configuration, where you can define your exclusion criteria. (only available for administrators).
    3. Apply the filters, and instantly see the impact on your search results.


    We're excited to see how this feature empowers you to find the right people quickly and efficiently within your digital workplace. As always, we value your feedback, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or concerns.




  4. Introducing the Enhanced App Launcher: A More Intuitive Experience

    App Launcher Widget

    Get ready for an even better experience with the latest enhancements to our App Launcher widget! We've been busy fine-tuning your digital workspace, and we're thrilled to introduce some significant improvements that will simplify how you access and interact with your apps.





    New Layout Options

    One of the most exciting enhancements is the introduction of new layout options. We understand that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to organizing and accessing their apps, so we're giving you even more flexibility. With the addition of a new List layout and a Compact spacing option, you now have four distinct ways to view your apps within the App Launcher.

    Here’s a sneak peek at the four layouts:




    User and administrator configuration

    Whether you prefer the traditional Grid layout, the streamlined List layout, or something in between with the Compact layout spacing, you'll find the perfect setup to suit your needs. Plus, admins can set a default layout for consistency across your organization, while individual users have the freedom to customize their layout according to their personal preferences.

    Here's how you can change the layout of your App Launcher:




    Improved Fly-out Behavior

    We’ve also revamped the behavior of the fly-out. It’s now considerably less intrusive but still displays more information about an application if available. The fly-out will only be displayed on the new information icon that appears when you hover over the app. This way, users unfamiliar with an application can dive into more details if needed.

    Here’s how the new hover style looks:




    We believe these updates will significantly enhance your experience with Ichicraft Boards. As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback. Let us know what you think!



  5. Introducing the New Marketplace Widget

    New Feature
    Marketplace Widget


    We are thrilled to introduce the latest innovation in our personal digital workplace solution, Ichicraft Boards - the Marketplace Widget. Stay tuned as we delve into the exciting features of the new Marketplace Widget.


    Marketplace on Your Digital Workplace

    The Marketplace Widget allows companies to offer a Marketplace within their digital workplace. This feature transforms the workplace into a more engaging and social platform. For instance, employees can share books they’ve read, sell unused items, or even offer services like carpooling.




    Dialog with all details

    All adverts are clickable, opening a dialog with all the necessary information. For instance, if a colleague is selling a Nintendo Switch, clicking on the advert will display images of the Switch, a good description on what is on sale and provide a contact button to message the seller.




    User-Friendly Advert Creation

    With the new widget, users can create adverts directly. This feature simplifies the process of posting an advert. For example, an employee can quickly post an advert about selling a used office chair right from the widget.




    Admin Actions on Adverts

    Admins can check all adverts and, if needed, perform admin actions like editing or deleting adverts. This ensures that all content aligns with company policies and maintains a professional and respectful marketplace environment.




    Advert Categories

    Admins have the ability to create Advert Categories. This feature allows for better organization and easier navigation of the marketplace. For example, admins can create categories like ‘Books’, ‘Furniture’, or ‘Electronics’ to group similar adverts together.




    💡How to Get Started:


    Install the Marketplace Widget: If the MarketPlace Widget isn't available in your Widget Library, fear not! Simply follow these steps to add it:


    • Navigate to Board Administration
    • Select Widget Library
    • Click on "Install Widget from Ichicraft."
    • Find the Marketplace Widget and click "Install."


    Once installed, the Marketplace Widget will be readily accessible for use within your organization.



    In conclusion, the new Marketplace Widget is a significant enhancement to Ichicraft Boards. It not only adds a social aspect to the digital workplace but also promotes user engagement and interaction. We believe this feature will be a valuable addition to your digital workplace deployment.

  6. Completely Revamped Events Widget

    Events Widget

    We have revamped the Events Widget with new styling options and features. These improvements will make the Events Widget even more attractive and user-friendly. Here are some of the new features that you can enjoy in the latest version of the Events Widget.


    New styling options

    You can now choose from two new styling options for the Events Widget. The compact style shows the events in a smaller size with less details.


    The filmstrip style shows the events in a larger size with more details.


    Show all dialog

    You can now easily open a dialog and show all events in a side-by-side view by clicking on the “Show all” link in the widget header. This will give you a quick view of all the events available in the widget. You can also click on any event to see more details.




    Improved admin settings panel

    You can now control all these new improvements from the organization perspective in the improved admin settings panel. The admin settings panel allows you to configure the global settings for the Events Widget, such as the default styling option, the default source selection, the default show all link, and the default autoplay feature.




    Improved source selection

    You can now control which sites are used as the source to aggregate the events from in the Events Widget. You can either use the push feature to select the sites that you want to include in the widget, or use the pull feature to let the users decide what relevant sources are for them. This will help you display the most relevant and personalized events for your users. For example, you can use the push feature to show events from a specific site or department, use the pull feature to let the users follow the sites that they care about.




    We hope you like these improvements and find them useful for your Events Widget. We are always working to make Ichicraft Boards better and more responsive to your needs. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for using Ichicraft Boards!

  7. What's new in the News Widget

    News Widget

    When you are using Ichicraft Boards, you know how useful the News Widget is for staying updated with the latest news and announcements from your organization. The News Widget allows you to display news articles from various sources in a customizable and interactive way.

    We are excited to announce that we have made some improvements to the News Widget based on your feedback and suggestions. These improvements will make the News Widget even more powerful and user-friendly. Here are some of the new features that you can enjoy in the latest version of the News Widget.


    Improved side-by-side view

    We have improved the side-by-side view of the news articles to show more details, such as the author and a snippet of the article. This will help you get a better idea of what the article is about before opening it. You can also see the author and the publication date of the article.




    Control the size of the first news article (admin improvement)

    We have also added an additional admin setting to control if the first news article should be displayed in a bigger size in the News Widget. This will help you highlight the most important or recent news article for your users. You can use a toggle to choose how this should be displayed. You can either show the first news article in a larger card with a bigger image and more text, or show it in the same size as the other news articles.




    Automatic inclusion of hub site news (admin improvement)

    If you have a SharePoint hub site that connects multiple related sites, you can now automatically include news articles from all the associated sites in the News Widget. This will save you time and effort from adding each site manually in the admin configuration.




    Filtering by managed properties (admin improvement)

    You can now filter news articles by certain managed properties, such as author, date, category, or keywords. This will help you find the most relevant and interesting news articles for your audience. You can apply the filters globally across the entire widget, or specifically for news coming from certain sites. For example, you can filter news by category to show only the articles related to a certain topic, such as innovation, awards, or HR.




    Show all link in the dialog (available from 29 April 2024)

    You can now easily open a dialog and show all news articles in a side-by-side view by clicking on the brand new "Show all" link in the widget header. This will give you a quick overview of all the news articles available in the widget. You can click on any article to read it in full.




    Override the "Show all" link (admin improvement)

    You can now also override the new "Show all" link in the widget header and provide a custom url to open in the show all dialog. This will allow you to link to a different page or site that contains more news articles or information. For example, you can override the show all link to point to your intranet homepage, or to a SharePoint news page that has more options and features.




    Improved dialog for opening news articles (available from 29 April 2024)

    We have also improved the dialog that opens when you click on a news article in the News Widget. The dialog now works better on mobile devices and has a back and forth navigation if there is a link with a news article that opens another page within SharePoint online. This will make it easier for you to read the news articles on your phone or tablet, and to follow the links to other pages without losing your place in the dialog. For example, you can use the improved dialog to read a news article that links to another SharePoint site or page, and then go back to the original article with a simple click.




    We hope you like these improvements and find them useful for your News Widget. We are always working to make Ichicraft Boards better and more responsive to your needs. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for using Ichicraft Boards!

  8. PowerBI Widget User Configuration Enhancements

    Power BI Widget


    Hello there! We're excited to share some significant improvements to our PowerBI Widget within Ichicraft Boards. These enhancements aim to streamline your experience and make the tool more intuitive and user-friendly. Let's dive into the details.


    Improved User Configuration

    We've revamped the panel for selecting PowerBI reports. The new design features a 2-column setup. On the left, you'll find the selected PowerBI content. On the right, you'll see the PowerBI content that your organization has made available but you haven't selected yet. This layout makes it easier to view and manage your PowerBI content.





    Enhanced Group Management for PowerBI Content

    Managing PowerBI content across different groups has never been easier. We've introduced a button that allows you to move content between groups without dragging. This feature is especially handy if you have a long list of reports or PowerBI content.




    These improvements are part of our ongoing commitment to provide a seamless and efficient digital workplace solution. We believe these enhancements to the PowerBI Widget will significantly improve your experience with Ichicraft Boards. Stay tuned for more updates!


  9. Improved Board Administration

    Admin Feature

    We’re excited to share some significant updates that aim to enhance the board administration experience. In this article, we will delve into these updates, focusing on the introduction of a check-out system on both the main configuration level and widget level.

    In the past, only one administrator could update the Ichicraft Boards configuration at a time. This often led to delays and required constant communication among team members. To address this, we've introduced a feature that allows multiple administrators to update the Ichicraft Boards configuration simultaneously.


    Main Configuration Check-Out

    The main configuration of Ichicraft Boards includes various elements such as design settings, board templates, general settings, and more. Administrators can now check-out the main configuration, make necessary changes, and then check it back in. This ensures that the changes are saved and applied consistently across the board.




    Widget-Level Check-Out

    In addition to the main configuration, each widget on the board has its own separate check-out system. This means that administrators can check-out a specific widget, make changes to it, and then check it back in without affecting the rest of the board. This granular level of control lets you focus on enhancing individual widgets without affecting the overall configuration.




    Discarding Others' Check-Out Changes

    In a collaborative environment, there may be times when you need to revert changes made by others. To facilitate this, we've added a feature that allows you to discard check-out changes made by others. This ensures that unwanted changes can be easily reverted, maintaining the integrity of the board configuration.




    Selective Saving of Configuration Changes

    We believe in giving our administrators control over their work. That's why we've added a feature that lets administrators select which sections of their draft configuration they want to save or discard. This selective saving option provides you with greater control over your configuration changes and helps prevent unintended modifications.




    Persistent Draft Configuration Changes

    We understand how frustrating it can be to lose unsaved changes due to unexpected browser reloads or session timeouts. To mitigate this, we've made it possible to maintain draft configuration changes between browser sessions/reloads. This means that your hard work is always saved, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to pick up right where you left off.



    These enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to improving the Ichicraft Boards experience. By making board administration more efficient and user-friendly, we hope to empower administrators and foster a more collaborative working environment. We believe these changes will greatly simplify the task of board administration and provide administrators with more control and flexibility.

    We're excited about these updates and look forward to seeing how they transform your board administration experience. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance Ichicraft Boards!


  10. Discover the Enhanced Countdown Widget

    Countdown Widget

    Our beloved Countdown Widget within Ichicraft Boards has received a significant feature enhancement! Previously, our Countdown Widget allowed users to create their own countdowns, adding a personal touch to important events. Now, with our latest update, administrators can take the reins and craft multiple countdowns tailored to organizational milestones, events, and deadlines. This enhanced functionality not only centralizes countdown management but also ensures consistency and coherence in your digital workplace.




    But wait, there's more! We've also revamped the styling options, allowing for greater flexibility in aligning the widget with your brand aesthetic. Say goodbye to generic countdown displays and hello to personalized, eye-catching designs that captivate your audience's attention.




    And that's not all—our team has integrated a convenient file picker feature, enabling uploading of comprehensive visuals or documents to accompany your countdowns. Whether it's an enticing sneak peek, a detailed agenda, or a captivating image, effortlessly enhance the countdown experience with rich multimedia content.


    💡How to Get Started:


    1.Install the Countdown Widget: If the Countdown Widget isn't available in your Widget Library, fear not! Simply follow these steps to add it:

    • Navigate to Board Administration.
    • Select Widget Library.
    • Click on "Install Widget from Ichicraft."
    • Find the Countdown Widget and click "Install."
    • Once installed, the Countdown Widget will be readily accessible for use within your organization.

    2.Customize Your Countdowns: Once the widget is installed, admins can begin creating and customizing countdowns to suit their organizational needs. From setting event dates to choosing styling options and uploading accompanying files, the possibilities are endless.


    At Ichicraft Boards, we understand that every moment counts. Whether you're eagerly anticipating the annual office holiday bash, marking the countdown to your next groundbreaking project launch, or simply looking forward to Casual Fridays, our Countdown Widget adds an extra layer of excitement to the passage of time. Who knew waiting could be this exhilarating?


    Experience the enhanced Countdown Widget and unlock a world of anticipation and engagement within your digital workplace.
